


A German social media platform for people to connect and share their thoughts with others.


A platform that allows users to share their thoughts with other people. Users should be able to search and add Searching topics. Users will be able to share videos and photos in Coogos. Users will be able to communicate with each other by messaging engine.

  • German social media platform.
  • Coogos allows users to share their thoughts with other people.
  • Users can search a topic using Coogos search engine or can add his/her own new topics.
  • Users can share their thoughts by adding comments to this topic.
  • Users can share content (Facebook, Twitter), like, dislike and favorite the topics and comments. Users can also post videos and photos in Coogos.
  • Searching topics based on several criteria e.g. Today’s topics, most favorite topics, most rated topics, topics from friends, new coming topics, all topics in a particular category, search topic via search engine etc.
  • Coogos also has a messaging engine together with rating and ranking engines.
  • Coogos has a sophisticated and detailed Admin panel with Dashboard.
  • Administrator can manage users, topics, content, visitors, application usage, Advertisement management and sensor words etc.

It helped people to become more social. People got in touch with their friends and families. They can share their own thoughts, happening and events easily with their loved ones.


PHP 5, PHP (Framework Phalcon), Elastic Search, Amazon Web Services (AWS) , JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Database (MySQL), 3rd Party APIs Integration (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion,  Soundcloud, Unsplash etc.)