Honda-OS (Online-Umfrage)



Honda has millions of customers all over Europe. It was very difficult to get feedback from each individual customer. Technology advancement has made most of the feedback strategies obsolete.


Robust and flexible online survey application to collect customer’s feedback who have visited auto dealers. Different types of questions e.g. choice, multiple choice, open comment, drop down and choice with open text questions etc. should be the part of the survey.

  • Robust and flexible online survey application.
  • The online survey presents almost every type of questions e.g. choice, multiple choice, open comment, drop down and choice with open text questions etc.
  • The application also features skip rules for questions and summary pages.
  • The online survey can present single or multiple questions on each page based on configurations.
  • Auto dealers can collect data from their customers.
  • Invitation emails can be sent to customers.
  • Invitation emails contain a link to the survey and that link allows the user to log into application securely.
  • Confirmation thank you email is also sent to the user on completion and submission of survey.
  • A notification email is sent to the dealer about the interview.

The company is getting real-time customer data using this application. The Company is using this data for analyzing the needs of customers and molding their processes and structures according to customer requirements.


J2EE, Spring MVC, Angular JS, JQuery, CSS3, HTML5, Database (MySQL), Bootstrap